Meet Tracy L. Brown, MA, MPP

Tracy Brown is the Owner/Principal Consultant of Equity Leadership Collaborative. Tracy is a practical visionary, trainer and facilitator. She is also a dynamic and captivating speaker who uses the art of story telling and illustrations to engage her audience. She has twenty-five plus years of professional experience policy and placed-based experience in the area of leadership/management, program/project management, equal opportunity sector integration across civil rights laws, designing diversity, equity and inclusion leadership programs and modules, dispute resolution, marketing, community affairs and supplier equity. 

Tracy has held various senior level chief diversity officer and director of diversity positions.

Recently, she was Director of Talent Management and DEI for HealthPoint.

She was also state-wide Senior Director / Chief Diversity Office for the Commonwealth of MA, Health and Human Services, Department of Development Disabilities and state-wide Deputy Director, MassDot, Commonwealth of MA.

Tracy also served as Program Manager for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) Healthy Policy Scholars and Investigator Awards Programs located at Boston University Questrom School of Business.

She also served as Executive Director of the Fair Housing Center (eastern, MA), working the Commonwealth of MA Attorney Generals Office and other local and regional housing groups.

Tracy also served as the first Director of Diversity for the Federal Reserver Bank of Boston where she developed and worked closely with the Senior Executive Team to conduct a bank-wide DEI survey and presented before the bank offices and board of directors. In addition, she presented her DEI strategies before 12 Chief Operating Officers from the Federal Reserve Bank across the United States.

She also served as a federal, state and local government civil rights director, manager and investigator, and has in-depth knowledge of legal theory application in the following areas/sectors: employment, credit and insurance transactions, education, finance, health, housing (rental and predatory lending practices and affirmatively furthering fair housing), insurance, and transportation.

Tracy has a Master of Public Policy degree from Tufts University, in Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning (UEP Program), an Executive Master in Non-Profit Leadership degree from Seattle University and her Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Washington. Tracy was honored with a Neighborhood Community Fellowship from Tufts University. She also holds two Executive Management/Leadership Certificates from Harvard University, J.F.K. School of Government, and is a graduate of several local, regional and national leadership programs, including Environmental Leadership Program (elp), Boston Fellows, Leadership USA (W.K. Kellogg Program), Leadership America, Kettering Foundation (Community Leadership Program) and Leadership Tomorrow.

Tracy is a published poet. She sells her Wings That Soar Inspirational Leadership Cards Collection to inspire, motivate and encourage individuals to live virtue centered leadership and assist others in living an equity-centered quality life. Within the year, Tracy plans on publishing her book. Starting in July 2025, and each thereafter, a new collection of poetry messages will be launched for each of the series.

Practical Visionary

Wise, competent and caring equity leaders who are happy, healthy, charitable, courageous and provide resources to individuals and organizations to assist them in achieving quality of life for all.


To create a ripple-effect experience in which individuals develop into Equity Leaders who courageously seek to provide resources, access and opportunity - quality of life for all.